Physical Review E – May 2000
Volume 61, Issue 5


General methods of statistical physics

Driven tunneling dynamics: Bloch-Redfield theory versus path-integral approach
Ludwig Hartmann, Igor Goychuk, Milena Grifoni, and Peter Hänggi
pp. R4687-R4690 [View PDF (81 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Detection of fixed points in spatiotemporal signals by a clustering method
A. Hutt, M. Svensén, F. Kruggel, and R. Friedrich
pp. R4691-R4693 [View PDF (79 kB)]
Experimental observation of localization in the spatial frequency domain of a kicked optical system
Baruch Fischer, Amir Rosen, Alexander Bekker, and Shmuel Fishman
pp. R4694-R4697 [View PDF (58 kB)]

Classical fluids

Effect of wall deformations on a confined fluid
J. Chakrabarti
pp. R4698-R4701 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Hysteresis at low Reynolds number: Onset of two-dimensional vortex shedding
V. K. Horváth, J. R. Cressman, W. I. Goldburg, and X. L. Wu
pp. R4702-R4705 [View PDF (395 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Steric interaction of an incoming particle with grafted rods: Exact solutions and unusual force profiles
I. C. B. Miller and D. R. M. Williams
pp. R4706-R4709 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Genuine saddle point and nucleation potential for binary systems
Jin-Song Li, Igor L. Maksimov, and Gerald Wilemski
pp. R4710-R4713 [View PDF (68 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

A one- and two-dimensional nonlinear pulse interaction
A. Ciattoni, A. Degasperis, and E. DelRe
pp. R4714-R4717 [View PDF (84 kB)]
Method for determining antiphase dynamics in a multimode laser
T. Hill, L. Stamatescu, and M. W. Hamilton
pp. R4718-R4721 [View PDF (43 kB)]
Noncollinear generation of optical spatiotemporal solitons and application to ultrafast digital logic
Xiang Liu, Kale Beckwitt, and Frank Wise
pp. R4722-R4725 [View PDF (182 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Quantum integrable system with two color components in two dimensions
Mu-Lin Yan
pp. 4745-4751 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Memory effects and macroscopic manifestation of randomness
A. A. Stanislavsky
pp. 4752-4759 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Effects of random fields in an antiferromagnetic Ising spin glass
Selma R. Vieira, Fernando D. Nobre, and Carlos S. O. Yokoi
pp. 4760-4768 [View PDF (399 kB)]
Nosé-Hoover chain method for nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation
A. C. Brańka
pp. 4769-4773 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Performance of discrete heat engines and heat pumps in finite time
Tova Feldmann and Ronnie Kosloff
pp. 4774-4790 [View PDF (460 kB)]
Analog of Planck’s formula and effective temperature in classical statistical mechanics far from equilibrium
Andrea Carati and Luigi Galgani
pp. 4791-4794 [View PDF (52 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Analytical systematic approximate method of a two-state dissipative system
Ke-lin Wang, Wei Jiang, Shao-long Wan, and Hai-jun Pan
pp. 4795-4800 [View PDF (83 kB)]
Fluctuation-dissipation process without a time scale
Mario Annunziato, Paolo Grigolini, and Juri Riccardi
pp. 4801-4808 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Influence of additive noise on transitions in nonlinear systems
P. S. Landa, A. A. Zaikin, V. G. Ushakov, and J. Kurths
pp. 4809-4820 [View PDF (217 kB)]
Diluted networks of nonlinear resistors and fractal dimensions of percolation clusters
H. K. Janssen and O. Stenull
pp. 4821-4834 [View PDF (221 kB)]
Nonpotential effects in dynamics of fronts between convection patterns
A. Hari and A. A. Nepomnyashchy
pp. 4835-4847 [View PDF (453 kB)]
Detecting the onset of bifurcations and their precursors from noisy data
Larsson Omberg, Kevin Dolan, Alexander Neiman, and Frank Moss
pp. 4848-4853 [View PDF (151 kB)]
Corrections to scaling in the forest-fire model
Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and Alessandro Vespignani
pp. 4854-4859 [View PDF (88 kB)]
Categorization in a Hopfield network trained with weighted examples: Extensive number of concepts
Rogério L. Costa and Alba Theumann
pp. 4860-4865 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Wave fronts may move upstream in semiconductor superlattices
A. Carpio, L. L. Bonilla, A. Wacker, and E. Schöll
pp. 4866-4876 [View PDF (156 kB)]
Disturbances in a power transmission system
M. L. Sachtjen, B. A. Carreras, and V. E. Lynch
pp. 4877-4882 [View PDF (194 kB)]
Quasistationary distributions of dissipative nonlinear quantum oscillators in strong periodic driving fields
Heinz-Peter Breuer, Wolfgang Huber, and Francesco Petruccione
pp. 4883-4889 [View PDF (322 kB)]
Tunneling through a fluctuating barrier: Two-level model
Jan Iwaniszewski
pp. 4890-4898 [View PDF (272 kB)]
Dynamics of zigzag destabilized solitary stripes in a dc-driven pattern-forming semiconductor gas-discharge system
C. Strümpel, Yu. A. Astrov, E. Ammelt, and H.-G. Purwins
pp. 4899-4905 [View PDF (370 kB)]
Rate processes in a delayed, stochastically driven, and overdamped system
Steve Guillouzic, Ivan L’Heureux, and André Longtin
pp. 4906-4914 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Cluster-variation–Padé-approximant method for the simple cubic Ising model
Alessandro Pelizzola
pp. 4915-4919 [View PDF (64 kB)]
Invasion percolation with long-range correlations: First-order phase transition and nonuniversal scaling properties
Mark A. Knackstedt, Muhammad Sahimi, and Adrian P. Sheppard
pp. 4920-4934 [View PDF (988 kB)]
Crossover from nonclassical to classical chemical kinetics in an initially separated A+BC reaction-diffusion system with arbitrary diffusion constants
Misha Sinder and Joshua Pelleg
pp. 4935-4942 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Spiral wave dynamics in oscillatory inhomogeneous media
Matthew Hendrey, Edward Ott, and Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr.
pp. 4943-4953 [View PDF (495 kB)]
Noise sustained propagation: Local versus global noise
M. Löcher, N. Chatterjee, F. Marchesoni, W. L. Ditto, and E. R. Hunt
pp. 4954-4961 [View PDF (153 kB)]
Unequal intralayer coupling in a bilayer driven lattice gas
Choon-Peng Chng and Jian-Sheng Wang
pp. 4962-4971 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Impact of environmental noise on oscillatory pattern formation in crystal growth: Plagioclase feldspar
Sergei Katsev and Ivan L’Heureux
pp. 4972-4979 [View PDF (136 kB)]
One-dimensional partially asymmetric simple exclusion process on a ring with a defect particle
Tomohiro Sasamoto
pp. 4980-4990 [View PDF (137 kB)]
Integrated approach to the assessment of long range correlation in time series data
Govindan Rangarajan and Mingzhou Ding
pp. 4991-5001 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Percolation and spatial correlations in a two-dimensional continuum deposition model
J. Asikainen and T. Ala-Nissila
pp. 5002-5008 [View PDF (334 kB)]
Effect of bulk magnetic field on critical Ising films
A. Drzewiński, A. Maciołek, and A. Ciach
pp. 5009-5018 [View PDF (151 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Topological scaling and gap filling at crisis
K. Gábor Szabó, Ying-Cheng Lai, Tamás Tél, and Celso Grebogi
pp. 5019-5032 [View PDF (294 kB)]
Extracting dynamics from threshold-crossing interspike intervals: Possibilities and limitations
Alexey N. Pavlov, Olga V. Sosnovtseva, Erik Mosekilde, and Vadim S. Anishchenko
pp. 5033-5044 [View PDF (230 kB)]
Influence of stable Floquet exponents on time-delayed feedback control
Wolfram Just, Ekkehard Reibold, Krzysztof Kacperski, Piotr Fronczak, Janusz A. Hołyst, and Hartmut Benner
pp. 5045-5056 [View PDF (263 kB)]
Quantum resonances and regularity islands in quantum maps
V. V. Sokolov, O. V. Zhirov, D. Alonso, and G. Casati
pp. 5057-5072 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Semiclassical inequivalence of polygonalized billiards
Debabrata Biswas
pp. 5073-5079 [View PDF (89 kB)]
Three coupled oscillators as a universal probe of synchronization stability in coupled oscillator arrays
Kenneth S. Fink, Gregg Johnson, Tom Carroll, Doug Mar, and Lou Pecora
pp. 5080-5090 [View PDF (220 kB)]
Learning-induced synchronization of a globally coupled excitable map system
Yoshinori Hayakawa and Yasuji Sawada
pp. 5091-5097 [View PDF (341 kB)]
Shape of attractors for three-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems
S. Neukirch and H. Giacomini
pp. 5098-5107 [View PDF (459 kB)]
Classical limit in terms of symbolic dynamics for the quantum baker’s map
Andrei N. Soklakov and Rüdiger Schack
pp. 5108-5114 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Anticipating chaotic synchronization
Henning U. Voss
pp. 5115-5119 [View PDF (156 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Eliminating spatiotemporal chaos and spiral waves by weak spatial perturbations
Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
pp. 5120-5123 [View PDF (301 kB)]
Dynamical localization and partial-barrier localization in the Paul trap
Sang Wook Kim and Hai-Woong Lee
pp. 5124-5128 [View PDF (129 kB)]
Closed almost-periodic orbits in semiclassical quantization of generic polygons
Debabrata Biswas
pp. 5129-5133 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Stochastic resonance in noisy maps as dynamical threshold-crossing systems
S. Matyjaśkiewicz, J. A. Hołyst, and A. Krawiecki
pp. 5134-5141 [View PDF (129 kB)]
Learning driver-response relationships from synchronization patterns
R. Quian Quiroga, J. Arnhold, and P. Grassberger
pp. 5142-5148 [View PDF (521 kB)]
Adaptive estimation and control method for unstable periodic dynamics in spike trains
David J. Christini and Daniel T. Kaplan
pp. 5149-5153 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Synchronization plateaus in a lattice of coupled sine-circle maps
Sandro E. de S. Pinto and Ricardo L. Viana
pp. 5154-5161 [View PDF (111 kB)]
Noise-induced chaos in an optically injected semiconductor laser model
S. K. Hwang, J. B. Gao, and J. M. Liu
pp. 5162-5170 [View PDF (380 kB)]
Hamiltonian dynamics and geometry of phase transitions in classical XY models
Monica Cerruti-Sola, Cecilia Clementi, and Marco Pettini
pp. 5171-5190 [View PDF (343 kB)]

Classical fluids

Onset of convection in a binary mixture near the plait point
Kausik S. Das and J. K. Bhattacharjee
pp. 5191-5194 [View PDF (56 kB)]
Multiscale correlations and conditional averages in numerical turbulence
Siegfried Grossmann, Detlef Lohse, and Achim Reeh
pp. 5195-5201 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Electromotive force for an anisotropic turbulence: Intermediate nonlinearity
Igor Rogachevskii and Nathan Kleeorin
pp. 5202-5210 [View PDF (145 kB)]
Motion of hydrogen bonds in diluted HDO/D2O solutions: Direct probing with 150 fs resolution
S. Bratos, G. M. Gale, G. Gallot, F. Hache, N. Lascoux, and J.-Cl. Leicknam
pp. 5211-5217 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Density-functional theory for vacancies in hard-sphere crystals
Benito Groh
pp. 5218-5222 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Influence of vacancies on the melting transition of hard disks in two dimensions
Martin A. Bates and Daan Frenkel
pp. 5223-5227 [View PDF (64 kB)]
Dissipation field asymmetry and intermittency in fully developed turbulence
S. I. Vainshtein
pp. 5228-5240 [View PDF (382 kB)]
Transition to turbulent thermal convection beyond Ra=1010 detected in numerical simulations
Alain P. Vincent and David A. Yuen
pp. 5241-5246 [View PDF (404 kB)]
Bifurcation theory for three-dimensional flow in the wake of a circular cylinder
Dwight Barkley, Laurette S. Tuckerman, and Martin Golubitsky
pp. 5247-5252 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Mie scattering from a sonoluminescing bubble with high spatial and temporal resolution
B. Gompf and R. Pecha
pp. 5253-5256 [View PDF (168 kB)]
See Also: Comment
Contact line dynamics near the pinning threshold: A capillary rise and fall experiment
Erik Schäffer and Po-zen Wong
pp. 5257-5277 [View PDF (725 kB)]
Thermal noise and the stability of single sonoluminescing bubbles
Ursula H. Augsdörfer, Allan K. Evans, and David P. Oxley
pp. 5278-5286 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Toward a self-generating magnetic dynamo: The role of turbulence
Nicholas L. Peffley, A. B. Cawthorne, and Daniel P. Lathrop
pp. 5287-5294 [View PDF (173 kB)]
Lattice-Boltzmann algorithm for simulating thermal two-phase flow
Bruce J. Palmer and David R. Rector
pp. 5295-5306 [View PDF (238 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Gravity in a lattice Boltzmann model
J. M. Buick and C. A. Greated
pp. 5307-5320 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Exact relationship for third-order structure functions in helical flows
T. Gomez, H. Politano, and A. Pouquet
pp. 5321-5325 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Bromomalonic-acid-induced transition from trigger wave to big wave in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
Osamu Inomoto, Koji Abe, Takashi Amemiya, Tomohiko Yamaguchi, and Shoichi Kai
pp. 5326-5329 [View PDF (49 kB)]
Structure and thermodynamic properties of a binary liquid in a porous matrix: The formalism
Elisabeth Paschinger and Gerhard Kahl
pp. 5330-5338 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Simple model for mixing at accelerated fluid interfaces with shear and compression
John D. Ramshaw
pp. 5339-5344 [View PDF (75 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Phonon self-energies and phase transitions in a prototype discotic liquid crystal
M. Nöllmann and P. Etchegoin
pp. 5345-5348 [View PDF (67 kB)]
Quasicritical behavior of dielectric permittivity in the isotropic phase of smectogenic n-cyanobiphenyls
Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, Sylwester J. Rzoska, and Jerzy Zioło
pp. 5349-5354 [View PDF (96 kB)]
Phase transitions from THE isotropic liquid to liquid crystalline mesophases studied by linear and nonlinear static dielectric permittivity
Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, Sylwester J. Rzoska, and Krzysztof Czupryñski
pp. 5355-5360 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Pseudo-Casimir effect in nematic liquid crystals in frustrating geometries
P. Ziherl, F. Karimi Pour Haddadan, R. Podgornik, and S. Žumer
pp. 5361-5371 [View PDF (141 kB)]
Helix inversion in the chiral nematic and isotropic phases of a liquid crystal
Benjamin P. Huff, Jacob J. Krich, and Peter J. Collings
pp. 5372-5378 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Effect of photoisomerization of azobenzene dopants on the flexoelectric properties of short-pitch cholesteric liquid crystals
Lachezar Komitov, Christian Ruslim, and Kunihiro Ichimura
pp. 5379-5384 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Local field effects and the field-dependent dielectric response of polymer dispersed liquid crystals
Ohad Levy
pp. 5385-5400 [View PDF (183 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Dilution of nematic surface potentials: Statics
André M. Sonnet and Epifanio G. Virga
pp. 5401-5406 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Crystalline transitions in free-standing films of 4-n-heptyloxybenzylidene-4-n-heptylaniline
Chih-Yu Chao, Chien-Rong Lo, and John T. Ho
pp. 5407-5409 [View PDF (91 kB)]
Inversion in the change of the refractive index and memory effect near the nematic-isotropic phase transition in a lyotropic liquid crystal
J. R. D. Pereira, A. J. Palangana, A. M. Mansanares, E. C. da Silva, A. C. Bento, and M. L. Baesso
pp. 5410-5413 [View PDF (108 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Effect of chainlike aggregates on dynamical properties of magnetic liquids
Andrej Yu. Zubarev and Larisa Yu. Iskakova
pp. 5415-5421 [View PDF (96 kB)]
Diffusion-limited aggregation: A revised mean-field approach
Vladislav A. Bogoyavlenskiy and Natasha A. Chernova
pp. 5422-5428 [View PDF (229 kB)]
Adsorption-desorption model and its application to vibrated granular materials
J. Talbot, G. Tarjus, and P. Viot
pp. 5429-5438 [View PDF (141 kB)]
Tip-splitting instabilities in the channel Saffman-Taylor flow of constant viscosity elastic fluids
D. H. Vlad and J. V. Maher
pp. 5439-5444 [View PDF (57 kB)]
Colloidal particles in emulsions
Francisco L. Román, Matthias Schmidt, and Hartmut Löwen
pp. 5445-5451 [View PDF (242 kB)]
Internal structure of dense electrodeposits
Christophe Léger, Juan Elezgaray, and Françoise Argoul
pp. 5452-5463 [View PDF (1,749 kB)]
A two-time-scale, two-temperature scenario for nonlinear rheology
Ludovic Berthier, Jean-Louis Barrat, and Jorge Kurchan
pp. 5464-5472 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulation for supercooled liquids
Ryoichi Yamamoto and Walter Kob
pp. 5473-5476 [View PDF (200 kB)]
Slow viscous flows in micropolar fluids
Hisao Hayakawa
pp. 5477-5492 [View PDF (325 kB)]
Independent ion migration in suspensions of strongly interacting charged colloidal spheres
Dirk Hessinger, Martin Evers, and Thomas Palberg
pp. 5493-5506 [View PDF (191 kB)]
Occurrence of coexisting dendrite morphologies: Immiscible fluid displacement in an anisotropic radial Hele-Shaw cell under a high flow rate regime
A. G. Banpurkar, A. V. Limaye, and S. B. Ogale
pp. 5507-5511 [View PDF (388 kB)]
Pattern selection induced by electroconvection in the electrodeposition of iron
Ke-Qin Zhang, Mu Wang, Sheng Zhong, Guo-Xin Chen, and Nai-ben Ming
pp. 5512-5519 [View PDF (875 kB)]
Semiflexible polymer on an anisotropic Bethe lattice
J. F. Stilck, C. E. Cordeiro, and R. L. P. G. do Amaral
pp. 5520-5527 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Wave number of maximal growth in viscous magnetic fluids of arbitrary depth
Adrian Lange, Bert Reimann, and Reinhard Richter
pp. 5528-5539 [View PDF (392 kB)]
Internal dynamics and elasticity of confined entropic gels
E. K. Hobbie and A. D. Stewart
pp. 5540-5544 [View PDF (270 kB)]
Tightness of random knotting
Vsevolod Katritch, Wilma K. Olson, Alexander Vologodskii, Jacques Dubochet, and Andrzej Stasiak
pp. 5545-5549 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Elasticity of Poissonian fiber networks
J. A. Åström, J. P. Mäkinen, M. J. Alava, and J. Timonen
pp. 5550-5556 [View PDF (151 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Mach cone shocks in a two-dimensional Yukawa solid using a complex plasma
D. Samsonov, J. Goree, H. M. Thomas, and G. E. Morfill
pp. 5557-5572 [View PDF (1,220 kB)]
Velocity distribution in granular gases of viscoelastic particles
Nikolai V. Brilliantov and Thorsten Pöschel
pp. 5573-5587 [View PDF (198 kB)]
Wavelength scaling of spiral patterns formed by granular media underneath a rotating fluid
F. Zoueshtiagh and P. J. Thomas
pp. 5588-5592 [View PDF (327 kB)]
Symmetric heaping in grains: A phenomenological model
Pik-Yin Lai, L. C. Jia, and C. K. Chan
pp. 5593-5599 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Patterns in thin vibrated granular layers: Interfaces, hexagons, and superoscillons
D. Blair, I. S. Aranson, G. W. Crabtree, V. Vinokur, L. S. Tsimring, and C. Josserand
pp. 5600-5610 [View PDF (428 kB)]

Biological physics

Enhancement of epidemic spread by noise and stochastic resonance in spatial network models with viral dynamics
Henry C. Tuckwell, Laurent Toubiana, and Jean-Francois Vibert
pp. 5611-5619 [View PDF (152 kB)]
Statistical analysis of genealogical trees for polygamic species
Paolo De Los Rios and Oscar Pla
pp. 5620-5623 [View PDF (59 kB)]
Species independence of mutual information in coding and noncoding DNA
Ivo Grosse, Hanspeter Herzel, Sergey V. Buldyrev, and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 5624-5629 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Exact equations and scaling relations for f0 avalanche in the Bak-Sneppen evolution model
W. Li and X. Cai
pp. 5630-5633 [View PDF (58 kB)]
Critical swelling in single phospholipid bilayers
P. C. Mason, B. D. Gaulin, R. M. Epand, and J. Katsaras
pp. 5634-5639 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Base opening in RNA and DNA duplexes: Implication for RNA stability
Y. Z. Chen, V. Mohan, and R. H. Griffey
pp. 5640-5645 [View PDF (78 kB)]
Microrheometry underestimates the values of the viscoelastic moduli in measurements on F-actin solutions compared to macrorheometry
Frank G. Schmidt, Bernhard Hinner, and Erich Sackmann
pp. 5646-5653 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Noise-induced memory in extended excitable systems
Dante R. Chialvo, Guillermo A. Cecchi, and Marcelo O. Magnasco
pp. 5654-5657 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Mean field theory for asymmetric neural networks
H. J. Kappen and J. J. Spanjers
pp. 5658-5663 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Time evolution of the Partridge-Barton model
Roberto N. Onody and Nazareno G. F. de Medeiros
pp. 5664-5667 [View PDF (52 kB)]
Clarification of the ripple phase of lecithin bilayers using fully hydrated, aligned samples
J. Katsaras, S. Tristram-Nagle, Y. Liu, R. L. Headrick, E. Fontes, P. C. Mason, and J. F. Nagle
pp. 5668-5677 [View PDF (485 kB)]
Epidemics and percolation in small-world networks
Cristopher Moore and M. E. J. Newman
pp. 5678-5682 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Enhanced coding in a cochlear-implant model using additive noise: Aperiodic stochastic resonance with tuning
Robert P. Morse and Peter Roper
pp. 5683-5692 [View PDF (233 kB)]

Plasma physics

Soft-x-ray laser scheme in a plasma created by optical-field-induced ionization of nitrogen
S. Hulin, T. Auguste, P. D’Oliveira, P. Monot, S. Jacquemot, L. Bonnet, and E. Lefebvre
pp. 5693-5700 [View PDF (456 kB)]
Temperature and impurity transport studies of heated tokamak plasmas by means of a collisional-radiative model of x-ray emission from Mo30+ to Mo39+
D. Pacella, K. B. Fournier, M. Zerbini, M. Finkenthal, M. Mattioli, M. J. May, and W. H. Goldstein
pp. 5701-5709 [View PDF (152 kB)]
Nonlinear density wave theory for the spiral structure of galaxies
S. Kondoh, R. Teramoto, and Z. Yoshida
pp. 5710-5716 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Electron density separations in nonideal plasmas: Structure of Thomas-Fermi-like bound states and the Mott transition
H. Lehmann
pp. 5717-5724 [View PDF (105 kB)]
Explanations for the observed increase in fast electron penetration in laser shock compressed materials
D. Batani, J. R. Davies, A. Bernardinello, F. Pisani, M. Koenig, T. A. Hall, S. Ellwi, P. Norreys, S. Rose, A. Djaoui, and D. Neely
pp. 5725-5733 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Hydrogen dissociation in a H2-N2 pulsed dc glow discharge
James M. Williamson and Biswa N. Ganguly
pp. 5734-5742 [View PDF (194 kB)]

Physics of beams

Smith-Purcell radiation emission in aligned nanoparticles
F. J. García de Abajo
pp. 5743-5752 [View PDF (627 kB)]
Production of halo particles by excitation of collective modes in high-intensity charged particle beams
Sean Strasburg and Ronald C. Davidson
pp. 5753-5766 [View PDF (199 kB)]
Theory of Čerenkov and transition radiation from layered structures
B. Lastdrager, A. Tip, and J. Verhoeven
pp. 5767-5778 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Ultrashort free-electron laser pulse
B. Hafizi, C. W. Roberson, and P. Sprangle
pp. 5779-5783 [View PDF (99 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Manifestation of intrinsic defects in optical properties of self-organized opal photonic crystals
Yu. A. Vlasov, V. N. Astratov, A. V. Baryshev, A. A. Kaplyanskii, O. Z. Karimov, and M. F. Limonov
pp. 5784-5793 [View PDF (430 kB)]
Soliton formation from a pulse passing the zero-dispersion point in a nonlinear Schrödinger equation
S. R. Clarke, R. H. J. Grimshaw, and Boris A. Malomed
pp. 5794-5801 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Density of states for a dielectric superlattice. II. TM polarization
Jorge R. Zurita-Sánchez and P. Halevi
pp. 5802-5807 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Compression of femtosecond light pulses by one-dimensional photonic crystals with two-component relaxing nonlinearity
R. A. Vlasov and A. G. Smirnov
pp. 5808-5813 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Effect of frequency detunings and finite relaxation rates on laser localized structures
S. V. Fedorov, A. G. Vladimirov, G. V. Khodova, and N. N. Rosanov
pp. 5814-5824 [View PDF (204 kB)]
Pulse-driven switching in one-dimensional nonlinear photonic band gap materials: a numerical study
E. Lidorikis and C. M. Soukoulis
pp. 5825-5829 [View PDF (339 kB)]
Stability analysis for extended models of gap solitary waves
J. Schöllmann and A. P. Mayer
pp. 5830-5838 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Perturbative study of classical Ablowitz-Ladik type soliton dynamics in relation to energy transport in α-helical proteins
K. Kundu
pp. 5839-5851 [View PDF (214 kB)]
Nonlinear Schrödinger flow in a periodic potential
F. Barra, P. Gaspard, and S. Rica
pp. 5852-5863 [View PDF (256 kB)]
Growth and decay of discrete nonlinear Schrödinger breathers interacting with internal modes or standing-wave phonons
Magnus Johansson and Serge Aubry
pp. 5864-5879 [View PDF (247 kB)]
Kink-breather solution in the weakly discrete Frenkel-Kontorova model
S. V. Dmitriev, T. Miyauchi, K. Abe, and T. Shigenari
pp. 5880-5885 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Instability of multiple pulses in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Alice C. Yew, Björn Sandstede, and Christopher K. R. T. Jones
pp. 5886-5892 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Multisoliton complexes on a background
Andrey A. Sukhorukov and Nail N. Akhmediev
pp. 5893-5899 [View PDF (156 kB)]
Coupling of near-grazing microwave photons to surface plasmon polaritons via a dielectric grating
A. P. Hibbins, J. R. Sambles, and C. R. Lawrence
pp. 5900-5906 [View PDF (795 kB)]
Interferometers and decoherence matrices
D. Han, Y. S. Kim, and Marilyn E. Noz
pp. 5907-5913 [View PDF (68 kB)]
Wave scattering from self-affine surfaces
Ingve Simonsen, Damien Vandembroucq, and Stéphane Roux
pp. 5914-5917 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Localization of light in disordered dielectrics: An approach based on spectral statistics
Markus Saltzer and Hans A. Weidenmüller
pp. 5918-5923 [View PDF (97 kB)]

Computational physics

Monte Carlo renormalization-group analysis of the lattice φ4 model in D=3,4
M. Itakura
pp. 5924-5929 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Criticality and crossover in accessible regimes
G. Orkoulas, A. Z. Panagiotopoulos, and Michael E. Fisher
pp. 5930-5939 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Generalized variational principle for the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equations for a Slater determinant
H.-J. Kull and D. Pfirsch
pp. 5940-5947 [View PDF (91 kB)]
Library design in combinatorial chemistry by Monte Carlo methods
Marco Falcioni and Michael W. Deem
pp. 5948-5952 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Non-square transfer-matrix technique applied to the simulation of electronic diffraction by a three-dimensional circular aperture
A. Mayer and J.-P. Vigneron
pp. 5953-5960 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Path-integral Monte Carlo simulations without the sign problem: Multilevel blocking approach for effective actions
R. Egger, L. Mühlbacher, and C. H. Mak
pp. 5961-5966 [View PDF (78 kB)]
Solution of the quantum fluid dynamical equations with radial basis function interpolation
Xu-Guang Hu, Tak-San Ho, Herschel Rabitz, and Attila Askar
pp. 5967-5976 [View PDF (135 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

1/fα fluctuations in a ricepile model
Shu-dong Zhang
pp. 5983-5986 [View PDF (61 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Noise-aided control of chaotic dynamics in a logistic map
J. Escalona and P. Parmananda
pp. 5987-5989 [View PDF (88 kB)]
Multiple short-term memories in coupled weakly nonlinear map lattices
Antônio M. Batista, Ricardo L. Viana, and Sérgio R. Lopes
pp. 5990-5993 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Momentum distributions for the quantum δ-kicked rotor with decoherence
K. Vant, G. Ball, and N. Christensen
pp. 5994-5996 [View PDF (47 kB)]
Critical signal strength for effective decoding in diode laser chaotic optical communications
S. Sivaprakasam and K. A. Shore
pp. 5997-5999 [View PDF (49 kB)]

Classical fluids

Long periodic waves on an even beach
A. Shermenev and M. Shermeneva
pp. 6000-6002 [View PDF (47 kB)]
Generalized Fourier law for heat flow in a fluid with a strong, nonuniform strain rate
Peter. J. Daivis and J. L. Khayyam Coelho
pp. 6003-6006 [View PDF (51 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Radial fluctuations and nonisotropic disclinations in nematic liquid crystals
M. Simões, A. J. Palangana, and A. E. Gonçalves
pp. 6007-6010 [View PDF (58 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Force between two spherical inclusions in a nonlinear host medium
L. Gao, Jones T. K. Wan, K. W. Yu, and Z. Y. Li
pp. 6011-6014 [View PDF (69 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Finite resolution effects in the analysis of the scaling behavior of rough surfaces
Javier Buceta, Juanma Pastor, Miguel A. Rubio, and F. Javier de la Rubia
pp. 6015-6018 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Fluid-fluid transitions of hard spheres with a very-short-range attraction
Richard P. Sear
pp. 6019-6022 [View PDF (48 kB)]
Reinterpretation of a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation-based classification
N. Neshkov
pp. 6023-6026 [View PDF (68 kB)]

Biological physics

Correlated patterns in nonmonotonic graded-response perceptrons
D. Bollé and T. Verbeiren
pp. 6027-6030 [View PDF (76 kB)]